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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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    You are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get FundedYou are an expert in scientific writing, please use the rules and principles stated in the books Writing Science

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